Observation. Danielle Hill

 2023  Observation (please make a copy and edit)

Pre Conversation 

Name:   Kim       Date of in class visit:                           Observer:                  Time Frame:20 to 30 mins

Students being targeted

Axl, Caedyn, Charles, Victoria, Waimarie

Inquiry Goal

Which  trauma informed practices will support the children in my class by meeting their emotional needs from a research based perspective.( Neurosequential Model in Education)

What I have tried

(based on what research)

Soft start, connection time, music playing, relationship based behaviour strategies, routines in place, food and water available, social coaching particularly in regards to peer relationships, breathing to support regulation, nature play, 

If my practice is successful you will see me doing… 

  • Children start the day with play to allow them to settle and late comers to join easily. Adults are able to get alongside each child and check in on 

  • Karakia and waiata: routines and rhythms 

  • Children can choose eat and drink after writing

  • Children can choose to play outside after writing and reading

  • Altercations dealt with quietly. Children coached with the language they need to move through

  • Children supported by Hayley Burwell in a gentle way

If my practice is successful, you will see the students doing….

  • Playing with friends

  • Eating and drinking

  • Playing outside

  • Spaces created for children to be able to move away from others

  • Spaces created to that play equipment can stay uninterrupted

  • Stop cards so children can leave play and come back to it

  • Dolls etc for role play

  • Guinea pigs for kindness and empathy

  • Alcove areas in class

  • Clear expectations

  • The routines and rhythms of the day stay the same where possible

Observation Sheet : The WHAT

What was noticed

The teacher:

The students:

When I walked into class…

  • Praising student for being amazing - keep being amazing

  • Trying to “trick” students.  Math game of finding the number.

  • “When you be silly, there is a chance your friends might get hurt” - gentle voice used.

  • Actively engaging students to picture and add the number.

  • Praising selected students

  • “How did you work that out?” counting on with students.


  • What am I thinking? Thinking happens in your head.

  • Modelling the drawing for writing - a car going for a drive

  • Looking for “at” on the whiteboard heart words

  • Modeling the sentence - 11 words!

  • Retelling sentence to find the next word.

  • Using magnetic letters on a small whiteboard to find common sounds.

  • Modeling reading to make sure it sounds right and makes sense.

  • Praise 

  • Asking T/A to get tables ready. Calling for specific students.

  • Pre-written sentences for selected students to draw their picture.

  • Sitting on the mat

  • Engaged in numbers.

  • Excited to find hidden number

  • Students praising teacher work

  • Students yelled stop when the teacher reached ‘at’ on the heart words.

  • Leo found ‘I’

  • Most students are still engaged.

  • Sounding out big words.

  • Students calling stop when the teacher reaches the letter.  One student was constantly yelling.

  • Students reading the sentence with and without teacher voice.

  • Students moving to selected tables to go through with work.  

  • Green table drawing picture on publishing

  • Red table Drawing thinking picture

  • Yellow table Drawing thinking picture.

Observation Reflection Meeting Notes


The teacher's practice is jointly analysed using the teacher’s goal and indicators of success as the basis.

How did the teacher being observed feel the lesson went?

Did the observer agree/disagree with anything?

Kim was fine.  Trauma as a focus was difficult to pinpoint at one specific time.  The class is set up specifically to avoid destruction, calm down etc.  

Morning routine is the same every day. Singing and moving helps people to settle in each day.  Routine gives a sense of belonging. 

Attention spans are very little and sometimes it can be too long.  


The identification of possible new practices and how the teacher would monitor them in terms of their effectiveness for students 

What next? What actions will you take to engage students in new learning in your inquiry?

Maybe a movement exercise in between rotations to stop the long sitting.  Perhaps they can get their own chairs out, rather than T/A.  

What are the learning needs of the teacher observed?

On going research, reading, practice, have a go.  Ongoing up skilling.


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