Implementing your plan. Term 4

 Implementing your plan can be a challenge if it is not clear and set out in a manageable timeline. We would expect this to take the most time out of all sections (end of term 1, term 2 and start of term 3). The important thing to remember is that your plan needs to be well thought out and flexible. Things might change and the inquiry might take a few twists and turn that you didn't expect. It might even need a reset during the process. Documenting what is happening and how you change with it is essential as you will be able to blog about this when the time comes. 

Term 4 Update: Things have changed for the children in my class as to be expected as that's life. Ongoing challenges are the relationships between the children facing ACEs. Of course if the numbers were different things would be different but they aren't so this is the feedback on what I am trying. 

Term 4:

Daily music/singing/dance - This has definately made a positive impact. I see children spinning, rocking and moving their bodies in ways that make them happy. They love the singing and have favourite songs and dances that they look forward to. Te Reo Maori is incorporated in here too.

Next: I want to involve purposeful rhythm and beats

Ha ki roto. Ha ki waho ( you tube yoga) - We were initially doing this everyday but the timimg was wrong. Now I pop it on after read with a friend and children make their way to the mat to join in. What has happened in that some of the boys try to move directly in front of the tv so they can see which annoys others which is not calming at all.

Next: will give children assigned spots/carpet or astro turf for their feet

Ha ki roto. Ha ki waho (Star breathing prior to karakia/story) - this definately settles everyone and we do it frequently. popping it into the day works well. One child likes to say 'done' prior to the end but is getting better at respecting the time.

Circle time - I haven't done this as well as I could have. Will park it until 2024 now. Gratitude circles as well as problem solving.

Another language - I listened to Nathan Wallis in October who talked about the benefits of learning another language especially for children under 7. He said there are benefits from speaking only 60 words and these can be waiata. I have made a considerable attempt to find waiata that the children love and can sing along to as well as weaving more Te Reo into our daily interactions. This will be ongoing into 2024.


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