
Showing posts from November, 2023

Evaluate impact and re-evaluate plan

  Evaluate impact and re-evaluate plan Evaluating the impact of your Inquiry is important as you look deeply at what you did, why and how you changed your practice to meet the needs of the tamariki and to grow yourself. Are there sections that you need to revisit and find out more information from? Do your students hold the keys to unlocking this? Did the plan go as anticipated? If not, why not and what did you do? If so what could have you done better? This section is not about the success of your inquiry, but the finer details that made the plan work or not work, and how this changed aspects of your practice. This PGC was/is super tricky. It is very hard to know exactly what is happening in the lives of these children. I don't and won't ever know what life is like for them. Some children and whanau share some information and it feels like we are working together for better outcomes. ACE are out of my control but who I am and my response to them isn't. I will keep learnin...

Observation. Danielle Hill

  2023  Observation (please make a copy and edit) Pre Conversation  Name:   Kim       Date of in class visit:                           Observer:                  Time Frame:20 to 30 mins Students being targeted Axl, Caedyn, Charles, Victoria, Waimarie Inquiry Goal Which  trauma informed practices will support the children in my class by meeting their emotional needs from a research based perspective.( Neurosequential Model in Education) What I have tried (based on what research) Soft start, connection time, music playing, relationship based behaviour strategies, routines in place, food and water available, social coaching particularly in regards to peer relationships, breathing to support regulation, nature play,  If my practice is successful you will see me doing…  Children start the day with play to allow them to set...

Reflect and Next Steps

  Reflecting on the success of your inquiry and what next steps you need to take to continue is the last essential step in our PGC Inquiry Cycle. Reflecting on what you changed in your practice and if you felt it was successful or not is essential. Detailing your self-change and aligning this with what your students achieved due to this is important to the reflection process. Overall reflection of the inquiry leads into the next steps you should take to continue to grow your practice which can then help you frame what has happened also. Target students: Undisclosed due to nature of inquiry however trauma informed practices will benefit all students. Inquiry goal: Which  trauma informed practices will best support the children in my class by meeting their emotional needs from a research based perspective.( Neurosequential Model in Education) What I have tried:  Soft start/connection time: After the 9am bell we continue to play to allow adults to get alongside akonga and ...

Nathan Wallis. Building resilience and maximising learning

 Key Take aways: First 1000 days are so important. I can't change those but I can be aware of them. Learning a musical instrument before 7 has a positive impact. You don't have to do it well either. Learning another language before 7 has a positive impact. 60 words are enough and waiata counts.

Be kind!

  I think that regardless of what I read or who I talk to, being kind is always a fabulous foundation.

Implementing your plan. Term 4

  Implementing your plan can be a challenge if it is not clear and set out in a manageable timeline. We would expect this to take the most time out of all sections (end of term 1, term 2 and start of term 3). The important thing to remember is that your plan needs to be well thought out and flexible. Things might change and the inquiry might take a few twists and turn that you didn't expect. It might even need a reset during the process. Documenting what is happening and how you change with it is essential as you will be able to blog about this when the time comes.   Term 4 Update: Things have changed for the children in my class as to be expected as that's life. Ongoing challenges are the relationships between the children facing ACEs. Of course if the numbers were different things would be different but they aren't so this is the feedback on what I am trying.  Term 4: Daily music/singing/dance - This has definately made a positive impact. I see children spinning, rock...